Dice Breakers and Debriefs

Return - https://go.mgpd.org/dice 

Managing time and choice in class can be drudgery. Make it fun with wheel spinners, countdown timers, dice breakers, and more. Settle disputes with a single (or multiple) coin flip. 

In this session, get a grab bag of digital tools for flashcards, countdown timers, wheel spinners, dice breakers and debriefs, emoji makers, shape word clouds, and so much more. Should you attend or not? Heads or tails? 

Activity: Dicebreaker

Directions: Dicebreaker Activity



An NCBI study reveals that icebreaker activities:

How Dicebreakers Work

You may already know that icebreakers are great tools. You can find TCEA’s ebook, Digital Icebreakers That Shatter, for free online. And, of course, a TechNotes collection of blog entries explores various icebreaker activities. 

The process for setting up a dicebreaker is simple:

Want a list of digital dice? Be sure to read Peggy Reimers’ Try Your Luck with Five Free Virtual Dice blog entry. Dice can be used for many activities and games in the classroom. Discover five virtual dice options you can use with your students today. 

Examples in the Wild

Example #1: Inside-Outside Circle twist on the @TCEA Dicebreaker warm-up activity. Transitions back from holiday break and getting everyone talking is a win. Special thanks to teacher Elizabeth Vanderveen Heinrich - Source: https://tinyurl.com/tceadbe1 

Example #2: 4th graders learning more about each other and kicking off fitness class with “dicebreakers." Special thanks to OJR Elementary Health and PE.
Source: https://tinyurl.com/tceadbe2 

Support Self-Judgment and Reflection

You can use dice debriefing activities as entry or exit tickets, for example, to engage students in Self-judgment and Reflection. Known as self-judgment, research has shown its importance as it enjoys an effect size of 0.75 (as of John Hattie’s latest research). 

Self-judgment and reflection have the potential to “considerably accelerate” student achievement. It is proven effective when students self-assess knowledge before learning and then reflect and self-evaluate for understanding post-learning.

View or get your own copy of this graphic via Google Slides 

Dice Debrief Questions

Here are a few debrief questions you can use in a dice debrief:

Additionally, such activities work well as entry tickets when you ask questions like:

You can also adapt ideas from this blog entry on bell ringers. How could you adapt exit tickets for this fun variation? 

You may have found these templates useful, but there are many more online. A Roll and Respond list of questions caught my eye. It included questions such as:

Let's Give It A Go: Make Your Own

Activity: Let's Give It a Try

Create a dicebreaker activity using one of the templates available

More Resources

Dice Debrief
