Fostering Literacy with Strategies That Work

About Banner Image: This is a mural from Chicago, photo credit: 

Want to support literacy among K-12 students? Get a handle on specific, evidence-based strategies that work to enhance literacy in K-12 settings. In this session, you'll see a wide variety of tools and evidence-based strategies for students.

The Big Picture

"We don't know how to explicitly teach and/or model reading for our students," says Carrie Rosebrock

In the diagram, you see how Carrie Rosebrock represents Surface, Deep, and Transfer learning strategies that are relevant to Reading. 

Be sure to read her brilliant blog entry and explanation for another interpretation of Hattie's work.

Explore Activity

Explore a quick overview of different types of instructional strategies and how to select technology to amplify their effect.

Strategies that are great for introducing new skills, concepts, and information.

Strategies that focus on consolidating knowledge and building relationships between concepts.

Strategies that focus on consolidating knowledge and building relationships between concepts.

In this activity, you are going to explore several different groups of strategies and digital tools that match. You will need a Jigsaw Organizer (paper copies available or go digital with the Google Docs version,  the Canva version or Google Slides adaptation of Canva version).


Additional Resources and Ideas

Mix Technology into Language Learning

Providing a safe, language-rich environment can enable students to learn a new language and be motivated to use it meaningfully. Students have the choice whether to participate or not in a language learning classroom.