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Sizzle and Pop: Learning and Doing with EduProtocols

In this hands-on session, participants explore the research underpinnings of EduProtocols and get an introduction to using them in the classroom to engage students. Haven't heard of EduProtocols? Learn how you can embed evidence-based strategies in teaching and learning activities that sizzle and pop. Click image right to watch video tutorials and get quick access to templates.

Activity: Frayer Your Classmate

You can use the Frayer Model for Vocabulary or as a Smart Start for relationship building in your classroom. Here's a slide deck as an example. For this activity, divide up into small groups, add your name to a Jamboard slide then fill it in. It's OK if things don't work out perfectly...the goal is for you to get an idea of how this might work with digital tools.

EduProtocol Resources

EduProtocol Examples

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