STWEL: Summarization

About the Strategy

Digital Tools

In Matching HES Strategies and Digital Tools, find other ed tech tools to pair with summarization. Here’s a quick list:

Digital Annotation Tools

Highlight the Relevant/Irrelevant

Summarization enjoys an effect size of .74, the same as reciprocal teaching. This makes it a powerful tool for teachers. It is more powerful as a self-regulation strategy for students. Summarization allows students to control their own learning.

The ability to summarize a text is often taken as a marker of reading comprehension. For this reason, many scholars have advocated explicit summarization training. For students who struggle with comprehension, explicit summarization training is a recommended.

Summarization isn’t only about finding what’s worth keeping. It can also be about deleting unnecessary material, or material that is redundant.

The act of summarizing can involve substituting a subordinate term for a list of items. It can also have students selecting a topic sentence. Students may construct a topic sentence if one is only suggested in a text

Summarization works as a powerful, surface learning strategy. Combine it with a digital tool to move beyond paper and pencil activities and end up with greater engagement and retention.

Matching Digital Tools to Strategy

  • Use "Highlight Tool" for additional highlighting needs in Google Documents.

  • Create and edit customized highlighters that automatically save.

  • Use these highlighters to highlight selected text.

  • Export the highlighted text to a separate document by sequence or by color.

Digital Tools

In Matching HES Strategies and Digital Tools, find other ed tech tools to pair with summarization. Here’s a quick list:

Digital Annotation Tools

Highlight the Relevant/Irrelevant

Summarization enjoys an effect size of .74, the same as reciprocal teaching. This makes it a powerful tool for teachers. It is more powerful as a self-regulation strategy for students. Summarization allows students to control their own learning.

The ability to summarize a text is often taken as a marker of reading comprehension. For this reason, many scholars have advocated explicit summarization training. For students who struggle with comprehension, explicit summarization training is a recommended.

Summarization isn’t only about finding what’s worth keeping. It can also be about deleting unnecessary material, or material that is redundant.

The act of summarizing can involve substituting a subordinate term for a list of items. It can also have students selecting a topic sentence. Students may construct a topic sentence if one is only suggested in a text

Summarization works as a powerful, surface learning strategy. Combine it with a digital tool to move beyond paper and pencil activities and end up with greater engagement and retention.

Three Summarizing Activities w/ Technology


Explore how to use art and speech to summarize with three text selections.

Need to practice sequencing skills, sumarizing a story, visualizing story elements, and recognizing story structure?

Use the 3-2-1 to capture important ideas from a text, examples, and/or questions.


What technology tool would you adapt to use to facilitate summaries?