Think About It

What is meant by "Think about it?" If the goal is to remember, you can't just let new information come in your eyes then out the holes in your head. You have to DO something with it. That makes "thinking" a series of repeated actions that ensure long-term information retention.

Why Do We Forget So Quickly?

“Memories are stored in ensembles of neurons called ‘engram cells’, and successful recall of these memories involves the reactivation of these ensembles. The logical extension of this is that forgetting occurs when engram cells cannot be reactivated.

 The memories themselves are still there, but if the specific ensembles cannot be activated, they can’t be recalled. It’s as if the memories are stored in a safe but you can’t remember the code to unlock it.” 

Source: Dr. Tomás Ryan, associate professor,
School of Biochemistry & Immunology, & Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience,
Trinity College Dublin (as cited)

Think About It Actions

3. Clarify vocabulary and meaning (Vocabulary Programs) 

4. Jot down important ideas and information (Outlining, Summarization, Concept Mapping)

5. Annotate your text, write in the margins (Underlining and Highlighting)

6. Interrogate text (ask questions, make a quiz for Retrieval Practice)

Use EduProtocols for Small/Large Groups

Back Pocket Questions

These are some more questions you can ask. I would use them, not only on what other's say, but unleash them on WHAT YOU believe, think, and how you process new information. For more information, check out these blog entries on pseudoscience and critical thinking.


Be sure to watch the February 28, 2024 Lunch and Learn on Reason Better, Think Critically webinar. See recording in TCEA Community.